Sam’s Creative Portfolio

Hi There, if you are being referred to this page I have insisted you check it out or you are curious about my creative works in Film. You won’t find an imdb style list of the films I have worked on but a variety of films I have directed and written or pictures I have taken on various adventures that I would like to consider the best of the best. Although you can view my imdb page here.

Let’s start with my first film completed during my undergraduate at University of Tampa which I wrote, directed, edited, and produced. Chase of the Wolf  is a story of two children escaping an abusive, alcoholic father.

After Chase of the Wolf  I was introduced to experimental filmmaking and dabbled in short projects in this form while writing my first feature film,  Behind Closed Doors which will one day be an hour and a half film you can watch but for now is a trailer I directed to show you what is in store for the future.

After college I did some freelance video editing and social media work with Jacksonville Beauty Institutes, you can see here:

I also made some still images to help promote various things throughout the year and add some flair to our social media pages:

After this work, I started formulating another special project about a robot who deals with segregation, love, acceptance, and other valuable lessons. It is a stop motion film (or will be when it is completed) called Robotica: Changes In The Air. I was also doing some training videos for a company, you can see a sample of those below:


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